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Why The Battles are Worth it: Keep Fighting Against Sin to Find Freedom in God

Abby Morales

Our world has a way of making us weary, and drag us down and away from our Creator, but when we keep fighting for what is right and good God will help us win the war and give us freedom found only in Him.

Imagine this: your clothes are all wrong and you don’t feel like yourself, your hair needs to be brushed, better yet cut, you feel you haven’t done anything productive today (and if you are told that you kept tiny humans alive and that is the most purposeful thing you could ever do, you may just scream), and your kids didn’t like what you made for dinner, and now the youngest is lying on the floor in complete rebellion to putting on PJ’s because he just wants one more minute to play (he always says it will be quick and it never is). This is me. This is my nearly daily real life, and unfortunately, I do not handle this routine end of day situation with grace and compassion like I aspire to. Nope, instead I more often end up yelling louder than my four-year-old leaving my kids scared in order to get my kids to obey and to bed. This is my true confession.

Maybe you know the scene. Maybe you are nodding your head, inserting your own dreaded end of day routine. Now, there’s some relief in knowing us moms are all alike, in this together, battling every day to raise good humans, while trying desperately to be one ourselves. It’s exhausting and defeating each time we fail – we get snippy, dream of escaping and long to just disappear into thin air, we shut down and cut our nightly cuddles short, and we can straight up lose it. Then add trying to be a good parent to job stress, poor self-image and endless comparison, marriage tension and it’s enough to make us dread waking up every morning to just repeat the same soul-reducing motions. Again.

Now that I’ve brought the whole mood down...I promise I will bring us back up! A friend recently said in our discussion of our study by Louie Giglio titled Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, “the battle is worth it because we know we will win the war”. I cannot tell you how much hope this gave me! For one, this whole study has been eye opening in how Satan is slipping into the cracks of my life and I’m letting him stay and get comfortable. But this idea that we need to keep battling, and even if we lose sometimes, we know with certainty that God helps us, and we will win the war against sin. Just the fact that we even keep battling proves that we won’t let sin win in the end, and God is our helper to keep winning battles and until the war is won, whether that’s finally ruling over a specific sin in our lives or even at the end of our life when we finally go to be with Him.

I have a great sin of exploding in anger when I’m overstimulated and pushed to my limit. I hate this sin, yet I don’t think see this war ending soon. However, I have immense peace and hope when I remember that His mercies are new every day and each day the Lord has so graciously reminded me of my higher calling. He helps me keep in the fight against my sins and I know He will do the same for you, my friend.

How do we keep fighting?

Well, I’m here to offer you a Sunday School answer – we read God’s Word and we pray. There’s no two better ways to cut the enemy off and continue to walk in the way of Christ. When we are connected to God, we have the confidence that we can handle whatever our day throws at us, such as screaming four-year-olds. He gives us the patience, kindness, and all that we need when we don’t believe we have anymore in us to give. God promises us that He will provide whatever we need, but we must be open and willing to listen and follow. We will then see blessings and freedom from our sins. And when we slip up, we can trust God is there to catch us, brush us off, and put us back out on the battle field to go win this war we are all in for His glory.

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